The event attracted 90 participants from 14 states and special units. The participation of 1 International Master and 6 Women GM’s added flavor to the event. WGM Padmini Rout of Orissa got the top billing owing to her ELO rating of 2332 followed by Soumya Swaminathan of IOC. The event is held in 11 round Swiss format from 26th to 3rd Aug.
Caption – 665 jpg (L to R) Shri Shahul Hameed, Shri Therambil Ramakrishnan, Shri Balagopal , Shri Rajesh.
Caption – 666.jpg Top seed WGM Padmini Rout of Orissa choosing the colour.
Caption – Chess academy – Chief Guest Shri Therambil Ramakrishnan making the inaugural move.
Sureshkumar TJ