16th Asian Schools Chess Championships 2022 Open & Girls under 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 & 17 Kaluthara, Sri Lanka –3rd to 11th December 2022
The Chess Federation of Sri Lanka under the auspices of the Asian Chess Federation (ACF) and the
World Chess Federation (FIDE), has the honour of inviting all Asian National Chess Federations to
participate in the 16th Asian Schools Chess Championships 2022 to be organized in Kaluthara, Sri Lanka from 3rd (arrival) 11th December(departure) 2022.
Players participated in the National School Chess Championships-2022 at Odisha and finished as top 50 in the final ranking list are eligible to participate in the event.
Players finished top 50 in National School Chess Championship and desirous to participate in the event are requested to make the following payment to AICF account for further transferring to Organizers:-
1. Player finished first in corresponding National School Over the Board Championship for the year 2022 : Rs. 15,275/-.
2. All other players : Rs. 107820/- (Single Room Accommodation) or Rs. 67980/- (Double Sharing Accommodation) or Rs. 61340/- (Triple Sharing Accommodation)
3. All Accompanying Persons : Rs. 95370/ (Single Room Accommodation) or Rs. 55,530/- (Double Sharing Accommodation) or Rs. 48890/- (Triple Sharing Accommodation)
The above amount include Registration Fee, Entry Fee, Accommodation Charges & Bank Charges.The official players, additional players and accompanying persons are required to make their own arrangement for Visa and Flight bookings.
Payment method (Choose any one)
Account No: 432422331
Branch Name: New Delhi Main Branch ,G 41 Connaught Place
New Delhi ,India-110001
IFSCode: IDIB000N022
After making necessary payment send the following details by email to indianchessfed@gmail.com copy to aicf.acct@gmail.com & aicfnationalentries@gmail.com before 31 October 2022 .No entries will be entertained after that.
Name of Player :
Age Category :
Email :
Mobile No (with Whatsapp preferred) :
Accompanying Person Name (if any) :
Need to attach Passport Copy and Passport Size Photo of Player and Accompanying persons.