All India Chess Federation under Chess for Everyone project is going to organizing district wise Arbiter and Organiser Training as well as Coaching Camps for players for grass root level development of the game.
It is envisaged to kick start these online programs from 1st week of November as per the following modalities.
Arbiter Training :-
Each district can enroll two candidates (preferably one male and one female) for this 30 hour program including exam spread over 4/5 days to cover all the aspects for officiating an event. The final exam will be objective type. After successful completion of the training the candidates will be awarded with National Arbiter Title. The fee will be Rs. 500 for each candidates and there will be 50% concession for participants from North East & Andaman.
National Organizer:-
Each district can enroll two candidates for this 30 hour program including exam spread over 4/5 days to cover all the aspects for conducting an event. The final exam will be objective type. After successful completion of the training the candidates will be awarded with National Organiser Title. The fee will be Rs. 500 for each candidates and there will be 50% concession for participants from North East & Andaman
Coaching Camp for Players:-
Each district can enroll two boys and two girls (standard rating below 1600) for this program spread over 6 days. There will not be any fee for the coaching camp.
Interested candidates can approach their respective state associations through district association for enrolment with following details (Name, Father’s Name, DOB, Gender, District, State, Email, Mobile & AICF ID). The last date for submission of list by respective states association to AICF is 10 Oct 21. After receipt of consolidated list from each state, online payment link will be provided to the Arbiter/Organiser candidates for remitting the fee.