Round 1
Indians had an easy outing and won their games comfortably against lower rated opponents in both boys’ and girls’ section.
Round 2
Ranindu Liyanage-Mitraba Guha Draw
White employed Carokann Advance where they followed recently concluded Caruana-Firouza for some time.Soon after the opening Guha was in trouble for a long time where players agreed to a draw where computer gives a huge advantage for White,however certain moves are not easy to find with time trouble approaching.
Raghunandan Srihari-Piyumantha Sasith Draw
In Sicilian 3.Bb5,Black employed a rare system with e5 and Bd6.Game soon converted to Ruylopez kind of positions and players agreed to a draw where Black was slightly better in the end.
Harshavardhan-Al Shamsi Hamad 1-0
Started as Bogo Indian 4.Nbd2,it soon transposed to Nimzo structures where White kept improving his position patiently by shuffling with his minor pieces and managed to win the game comfortably..
Dahanayake-Raahul 0-1
In Ruylopez,Black employed Nge7 followed by a6 and g6.Despite the central passed pawns,Black managed to box the dark squared Bishop on h2 and swiftly managed to win the game.
Vardaan Nagpal-Tennakoon Lisara 1-0
Started as London system, the game transposed to standard 1.d4 positions where white slowly built the pressure on the queenside by tripling the major pieces on the ‘a’file and then position was hard to defend for Black once White doubled the Rooks on the 7th rank.
Tharushi-Savitha Shri 0-1
White started with 1.d4 and Black employed King’s Indian defence.In a roughly equal position,Black blundered the piece on 22nd move. However Black kept fighting to pose practical problems and white faltered and lost the game.
Priyanka-Sanudula 1-0
White started with 1.e4 and Black employed Scandinavian defence.White soon got the better position after the opening. White first launched the kingside offensive that force Black to lose the right to castle,then opened the position even more to finish the game in a good style.