Round 4 in World Junior Chess Championship 2022 saw an Indian battle between IM Prraneeth Vuppala & FM Rohith Krishna S. The game started from Ruy Lopez and got double edged, with better chances for Prraneeth although black was attacking,however he went wrong around the 51st move with Rohith having better chances. In the end Praneeth had a bishop for 4 pawns with queen & rook on the board however Rohith had perpetual checks and the game ended in peace.
IM Manish Anto continued his good run and won a fine game against GM Luka Budisavljevic. In the rook endgame, Manish had both his rooks on the 7th rank with a pawn up, more advanced pawn and then Luka placed his rook on the wrong rank leading to mating threats and unstoppable pawn promotion for Manish.
Ustab Chatterjee drew against higher rated IM Milikow Yoav from Israel & GM Iniyan P won against FM Guz Ari of Israel to have 2.5 points together with 4 other Indians in the open section.
In the girls section , WGM Priyanka Nutakki drew her game against WIM Serikbay Assel of Kazakhstan to move to 3 points. She is trailing a pack of 6 leaders by half point.
Femil Chelladurai drew against much higher rated Gabbani Sara of Italy to join Ishvi Aggarwal with 1.5 points.