After successfully organising four refresher courses for titled and licensed arbiters of India, All India Chess Federation decided to have one more such course for the benefit of those who missed on the earlier occasions. Madhya Pradesh Chess Association came forward to host it at Arera Club, Bhopal on 7th and 8th July 2018. Thirty nine participants from all over India availed this opportunity and attended the refresher course with great enthusiasm.
Prof.R. Anantharam IA, Chairman, Arbiters’ Commission of AICF was the resource person. He updated the latest rules and regulations effective from 1st January 2018, with more emphasis on the changes in Laws of Chess. Other changes in rating, title, arbiter and other regulations were also discussed. As the participants were very interested in Swiss Manager, an elaborate session on the topic was also dealt with. The arbiters were immensely benifitted by the refresher course.
MP Chess Association did a good job in organising the course in a posh Area Club with good facilities. The participants were accommodated in Kanta Shrawan, with star hotel facilities and good food.