The Asian Continental Chess Championship 2021 will be held as Hybrid Chess at various centres.
As per the eligibility condition stipulated by the Asian Chess Federation, all the players rated 2300 & above as per May 2021 FRL is eligible to participate in the championship.
Players desirous to participate in the event are requested to forward their entries through email to indianchessfed@gmail.com with details of payment of entry fee of Rs. 12000/- by 01 May 2021 (Amount includes bank transfer charges to Asian Chess Federation).
Bank account for payment :-
Name of the Account : All India Chess Federation
Account No. : 432422331
Name of the Bank : Indian Bank,
Name of the Branch : Harbour
IFSCode : IDIB000H003
Address of the Bank : 66, Rajaji Salai, Chennai-600001
Please note that after 01 May 2021, no request will be entertained for inclusion for the championship as Hybrid Centres are to be decided according to the number of participants.