Last updated on : 03.02.18
The last date for registration has been extended till : 15.02.2018
The list of players and their accompanying persons details are given below. Please let us know if you have any correction / Name missing, FIDE id, passport no, expiry date etc before 15.02.2018
List for Asian Youth Chess Championship – 2018
Additional Players / Accompanying persons who have interested in take part in the forthcoming Asian Youth Chess Championship to be held at Thailand from 01 to 10 April, 2018 are requested to complete the registration on or before 22.01.2018 using our online portal .
Please note : Players who have participated in the 2017 category Nationals are eligible to take part in the 2018 Asian youth as per our rules.
The fee for each Player is Rs.67,200/- which includes entry fee, registration fee, Boarding & lodging in twin / triple sharing in Standard hotel, track suit and bank charges only.
The fee for each accompanying persons is Rs.54,630/- which includes registration fee, Boarding & lodging in twin / triple sharing in standard hotel and bank charges only.
The above entries are subject to approval of the AICF / championship organizers
Please click here to download the championship regulations