All India Chess Federstion is delighted to announce that We shall be offering Live Coaching sessions from renowned Chess coaches of India from 5th May 2020.
The coaches who have come forward to offer their invaluable time to help Indian Chess are:
International Masters Atanu Lahiri, Chandrashekhar Gokhale as well as Well known Coach Jayant Gokhale and Dronacharya awardee Raghunandan Gokhale.
The sessions will take place on following platforms:
At 7:00 pm IM Atanu Lahiri’s coaching. Click Link-
At 11:00 am Jayant Gokhale/ C.S. Gokhale’s coaching.
Link will be displayed very soon.
All are requested to enjoy this free of cost training to utilise your lock down time.
*Also we would like to request all GM/WGM, IM/WIM to come forward for free online coaching on this platform.*
Vijay Deshpande
Hon. Secretary
All India Chess Federation