The World Cadet Chess(Open & Girls) Championship 2018 is underway at Sports and Cultural Centre, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Round 3
On top board in the U-12 Open category, IM Gukesh positionally outplayed Rakmatullah.A of Uzbekistan. Gukesh played the closed Catalan and managed to quickly win in 31 moves.
[iframe border=”0″ frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true” width=”560″ height=”465″ src=”//www.chess.com/emboard?id=4667542″][/iframe]

On top board in the U-12 Girls,Tanisha B. S. played passively in the Sicilian Sveshinikov as Black and was beaten by the aggressive WCM Kairbekova Amina of Kaz who sacrificed the exchange to win the game in 42 moves, while Savithashri played the rare Owen”s defence won a pawn on the 12th move and the game easily in 44 moves against Natalia Z of USA and continues to lead.
[iframe border=”0″ frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true” width=”560″ height=”465″ src=”//www.chess.com/emboard?id=4667550″][/iframe]
In the U-10 Open Kadam Om Manish and John V A drew thier games and have 2/3 while Vishwaksen M lost and have 1.5 points.
In the U-10 Girls overnight joint leaders Rajanya D and Anupam M S lost their games while WCM Shefali won and all three have scored 2/3.
In the U-8 Open overnight leader, Mrinmoy Rajkhowa lost with the White pieces to his higher rated opponent Golovchenko.B from Russia, while Kiaan.A won and both are now with 2 points.
In the U-8 Girls joint leaders Hatvalne Swarali, Shreya.G.H, Sri Harini lost their games while the other two Arshiya Das and Shriyanna S Mallya drew their games.
U-8 open
14 Mrinmoy Rajkhowa 1294 IND 0-1 Golovchenko, Bogdan 1556 RUS
22 Stephan, Pierre 1511 FRA 1-0 Shashindhar Kumar R 1086 IND
25 Lakshyesh Mohan Gupta1060 IND 0-1 Asikainen, Eeli 1358 FIN
30 CM Kiaan Agrawal 1281 IND 1-0 Ahn, Maximilian 0 BEL
50 Ishaan Singh Khanuja 0 IND 1-0 Portela Medrano, Roi 0 ESP
U-8 Girls
2 CM Smietanska, Wiktoria 1506 POL 1-0 Hatvalne swarali 1180 IND
4 WCM Shriyana S Mallya 1204 IND ½-½ Oyungerel Sharavdorj 1382 MGL
5 WCM Zubkovskaya, Ekaterina 1377 BLR 1-0 Shreya G Hipparagi 1141 IND
7 Gu, Crystal Jiuzhou 1284 USA ½-½ Arshiya Das 1113 IND
8 Sri Harini A 1050 IND 0-1 Kantserova, Ildana 1282 KAZ
40 Kartasheva, Iana 0 KGZ 0-1 Tanishka Jain 0 IND
U-10 Open
17 Nitsche, Nikolai 1645 GER ½-½ CM Kadam Om Manish 2025 IND
27 Tsirilman, Guy 1813 ISR ½-½ John Veny Akkarakaran 1563 IND
33 Viswak Sen M 1550 IND 0-1 Matsumura, Cocoro 1699 FRA
U-10 Girls
7 Anupam M Sreekumar 1615 IND 0-1 Vu, My Linh 1349 VIE
10 WCM Chen, Yining 1457 CHN 1-0 Rajanya Datta 1312 IND
37 WCM Shefali A N 1258 IND 1-0 Alieva, Mirayi 0 RUS
1 Rakhmatullaev, Almas 1921 UZB 0-1 IM Gukesh D 2457 IND
U-12 Girls
1 WCM Kairbekova, Amina 1939 KAZ 1-0 Boramanikar Tanisha S 1716 IND
9 Zduniewicz, Natalia 1313 USA 0-1 Savitha Shri B 1745 IND
44 Mahi Amit Doshi 1515 IND 0-1 Jiang, Kate Yuhua 1201 CAN