Schedule & Regulation
National Arbiter (NA) Seminar
The National Arbiter seminar is a training session for Arbiters of National level (NA) .
NA Seminar Duration
Duration of the NA seminar will be 30 Hrs (5 days) including examination
NA Seminar language
Seminars conducted in a English language . However , lecturers may use regional language to trained them better .
NA Examination
At the end of all the Seminar, there will be separate online (Google form) written examination for National Arbiters. The duration of the NA Exam shall be 3 hours.
The objective of the exam is to validate that the participant knows the various FIDE & AICF regulations, can apply them and take appropriate decisions in normal chess event situations.
Grading System
All the successful participants shall be graded according to merit . Successful Participants with A & B grade shall be eligible for FIDE National Arbiter license and SNA Title while participants with C & D grade shall be eligible for National Arbiter title.
Swiss manager practical Examination
There will be practical examination for Swiss Manager operation at the end of Seminar (last session)
NA Seminar :Schedule/Session
Morning session: 08:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Evening session: 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Final Result
Final results shall be published by All India Chess Federation after the written examination .
Click Here for Schedule , Topic & Lecturer
List of Participants for 1st Batch