International Master Raja Rithvik R of Telangana and Women International Master Divya Deshmukh of Maharashtra has been unbeaten throughout the championship and emerged as the winners of 45th National Sub Junior (Under-15) Open &36th National Sub Junior (Under-15) Girls Chess Championship 2019at KSR Educational Institutions, KSR Kalvi Nagar, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu with an identical score of 9.5 points out of 11 rounds respectively.
Valediction function Presided over by Sri. R. Srinivasan (Vice Chairman, KSR Educational Institutions) in the presence of the chief guest Sri. D.V Sundar ( Hon. Vice President, World Chess Federation, FIDE & Vice President, All India Chess Federation) with the guest of honors Sri. Bharat Singh Chauhan (Hon. Secretary, All India Chess Federation), IPS Senthil Avudaya Krishnaraj, SP, Uttarakhand, Sri. S. Jayachandran (District Sports officer, Erode)., Sri G.Ramamurthy, President, Sivakasi Chess Club & Sri Thyagaraja, CEO, KSR Educational institution on the dias and distributed the prizes. Prof Anantharam, Secretary, Sivakasi Chess Club and Chairman, Arbiters Panel of India welcome the gathering. Dr Ramesh, President Namakkal District Chess Foundation, delivered the vote of thanks.
In the Open category, top board clash between Defending Champion Fide Master Ajay Karthikeyanof Tamil Nadu and former Asian Youth Under 14 Champion IM Raja Rithvik of Telangana, was slightly better for white for most part of the game until the 37th move where Ajay blundered and succumbed to mating attack by IM Raja Rithvik, and the game ended in 40th move in favor of the latter. Candidate Master Kushagra Mohan of Telangana secured second place with 9 points after beating Samant Aditya S of Maharashtra, Followed by Candidate Master Rohith Krishna S of Tamil Nadu in the third place with 8.5 points by defeating Praloy Sahoo of West Bengal.
In the Girls Section, top board clash between two times(2017,2018)National Under 15Girls champion, Women International Master DivyaDeshmukh of Maharashtra played against Jain Nityata of Madhya Pradesh, ended in favor of Divya to make it as a hat-trick win for her in National Under 15. Divyasacrificed a bishop on 23rd move to gain a passed pawn on the queen side which eventually turned into a queen, thus making an extraordinary position of 3 Queens on the board.Women Candidate Master MrudulDehankarof Maharashtrascored 9 points by beating DivyabharathiMasanam of Tamil Nadu to secure second place and Women Candidate Master Jyothsna L of Tamil Nadu scored 8.5 by drew with Bristy Mukherjee of west Bengal to secure third place in girls section.
Important Results Boys – Round 11
Bo. | Name | Club | Pts | Res. | Pts | Name | Club |
1 | Ajay Karthikeyan | TN | 7½ | lost to | 9½ | Raja Rithvik R | TEL |
2 | Samant Aditya S | MAH | 8 | lost to | 9 | Kushagra Mohan | TEL |
3 | PraloySahoo | WB | 7½ | lost to | 8½ | Rohith Krishna S | TN |
4 | Pranav V | TN | 8½ | Beat | 7½ | Sanket Chakravarty | WB |
5 | AaryanVarshney | DEL | 8½ | Beat | 7½ | Srihari L | PUD |
6 | Nikhil Magizhnan | TN | 7½ | lost to | 8½ | AnadkatKartavya | GUJ |
7 | Pranesh M | TN | 7½ | Drew | 7½ | DeveshAnandNaik | GOA |
8 | Rathneesh R | TN | 7 | lost to | 8 | Aditya Varun Gampa | TEL |
9 | Vignesh N | TN | 7 | lost to | 8 | SohamKamotra | J & K |
10 | Arjun Gupta | DEL | 7½ | Drew | 7½ | Srikrishnan P | TN |
Important Results Girls – Round 11
Bo. | Name | Club | Pts | Res. | Pts | Name | Club |
1 | Jain Nityata | MP | 7½ | Lost to | 9½ | DivyaDeshmukh | MAH |
2 | Bristy Mukherjee | WB | 8 | Drew | 8½ | Jyothsna L | TN |
3 | DivyabharathiMasanam | TN | 7 | Lost to | 9 | MrudulDehankar | MAH |
4 | Rindhiya V | TN | 7 | Lost to | 8 | Sai Divya M | AP |
5 | Poorna Sri M.K | TN | 7½ | Drew | 7½ | ArushiKotwal | J & K |
6 | BhagyashreePatil | MAH | 7½ | Drew | 7½ | Tarunika P | TN |
7 | NayanikaaMuralidharan | TN | 8 | Beat | 6½ | ChinnamVyshnavi | AP |
8 | Tina C | TN | 7 | Lost to | 7½ | Dhyana Patel | GUJ |
9 | MeenatchiRajam V | TN | 7 | Drew | 7 | ChopdekarGunjal | GOA |
10 | Shrija K M | TN | 7½ | Beat | 6½ | TanviVasudevHadkonkar | GOA |