Due to resurgence of Covid-19 cases, it is decided to postpone the Senior Arbiter Examination scheduled at Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh from 23 April to 24 April 21 till further notice.
Considering the aspiration of participants already registered for subject examination, it is decided to conduct an Online Senior Arbiter Examination through Zoom Platform from 24 April to 25 April 21. Any participant who already registered for offline Senior Arbiter Examination at Bhimavaram wishes to cancel their reigstration, please mail us for refund of fee by 20 April 21 otherwise they will be automatically considered for Online Senior Arbiter Examination scheduled from 24-25 April 21. Please note that to attend subject online examination, you require uninteruppted internet connectivity as video & audio should be on all the time during test.
If anyone wishes to register for the online program, few seats are available and will allocated on first come first serve basis. Interested persons, who have completed 16 years of age, may deposit the fee of Rs. 4000 in our following bank account before 20 April 21.
Name of the Account : All India Chess Federation.
Account No. : 432422331
Name of the Bank : Indian Bank,
Name of the Branch : Harbour,
IFSC Code : IDIB000H003
Address of the Bank : 66, Rajaji Salai, Chennai-600001
After necessary payment action, please intimate us the details by email (indianchessfed@gmail.com).