The FIDE Online Cadets & Youth Rapid World Cup-2021 scheduled to be held from 1st to 30th August 2021.
In each age category India can field a maximum 15 entries in total apart from any wild card granted by the organiser.
Players who are finished 1st to 10th positions in the respective National Online Age Group Championships as well as players holding GM/IM/WGM/WIM titles can apply for participation in the FIDE Online Cadets & Youth Rapid World Cup 2021 by filling the registration form. The first 10 quota will be filled by the National Championship top 10 and next 5 will be given to the titled players on the basis of their rating according JUNE 2021 FRL.
Apart from this, players finished 11th to 20th position in respective national championship can also apply as S/By and on the basis of availability of quota (including wild card) they will be accommodated in the final list for participation.
All players finished 1st to 3rd will be official entries and their entry fee will be taken care by AICF (They also required to confirm their participation by filling the details at the registration link).
All others including title holders required to pay entry fee as per regulations. Please make a payment of Rs. 6725/- in the given link. S/By players are also required to pay the entry fee and in case not selected their entry fee will be refund. Please note that as per Championship regulations, entry fee once paid to the organisers will not be refunded.
Registration Link : https://prs.aicf.in/entry-official
Last date of Registration
Under-18 Open & Girls, Under-16 Open & Girls and Under-14 Open : CLOSED
Under-14 Girls & Under-12 Open : CLOSED
Under-12 Girls : CLOSED
Under-10 Open & Girls : 07 July 21