Appended below find the list of Arbiters for refresher course. You are requested to check correctness of the data and inform us by email (aicfarbiterscommission@gmail.com) in case any discrepancy before 5 pm on 18 Feb 2023.
Appended below please find the list of Non-Licensed Arbiters / Inactive Licensed Arbiters. They are not eligible to undergo the Refresher Course. However, SNAs can pay the NA License Fee of Rs. 3210/- before 5 pm on 18 Feb 2023 and intimate the details of payment and SNA Seminar undergone by email to indianchessfed@gmail.com to process the FIDE NA License with FIDE Arbiters Commission.
Appended below find the list of Arbiters for whom there is no payment, personal particulars or License details are available. Please write to us at indianchessfed@gmail.com and aicfarbiterscommission@gmail.com with details along with proof of payment before 5 pm on 18th Feb 23.