CharudattaJadhav, President, AICFB
Reporting from Ohrid, Macedonia
In the forth round of 15th IBCA chess Olympiad at Macedonia, the Indian team bounced back with a fluent victory over compatriate 8th seeded Montenegro here at Macedonia. On the second and third board, Soundarya Pradhan and KishanGangolli scored quick scintillating victories over Ivanovic and Andjic respectively.
On the forth board, AshvinMakwana played safe to post a draw and gave India 2.5-1.5 victory. Ukraine pulled a major upset by beating top seed Russia to share the lead with Poland. In the 5th round, Ukraine and Poland, having 8 points each will face each other. In the second table, Russia with 6 points, while India meets dark horse of the tournament, Azerbaijan . The India team is in high spirit, and positively looking forward to come in the top tables.