The All India Chess Federation is making leaps in the chess development of North-Eastern states and Andaman Nicobar Islands. Staying on course with the motto, the FIDE Arbiter Seminar started off on a high note with the participation of 30 enthusiastic individuals who are eager to learn the nuts and bolts of the profession.
The Seminar has begun at Sports Authority of India Regional Centre, Guwahati on Wednesday with the support Government of India Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Sports Authority of India, World Chess Federation and FIDE Arbiter’s Commission.
India’s top-most Fide Lecturer & International Arbiter MS Gopakumar is taking charge as the Chief Lecturer, he is being assisted by International Arbiter Swapnil Bansod in this seminar.
Both the lecturers are covering various topics under Laws of Chess, Rating Regulations, Title Regulations, Pairing Regulations, Arbiter Regulations, Anti Cheating Guidelines, Competition Rules, Tie Break Regulations and Standard Chess Equipment in this four day seminar apart from examination on the final day.
The Chief Lecturer shares his vast experiences and practical knowledge with the participants.
The Seminar is being conducted with completely free of cost to all the participants.