Sub: COVID 19 and Chess tournaments
As you are well aware the Corona Virus has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation.
It is likely to have widespread implications in the times to come but instead of panic we need to take adequate precautions.
The Govt. Of India has advised to avoid any huge gatherings which means we have to cancel chess tournaments where there is participation of lots of parents , children, other players from various parts and also arbiters and volunteers etc.
All the national championships to be held till May 31 stay as postponed and new dates will be notified soon.
The State Associations are requested to avoid any state level events till April 15. If they do so, the AICF will not be responsible or accountable for their actions.
Those who have planned FIDE rated events till April 15 are requested to reschedule their events. The risk becomes highest in FIDE rated opens due to huge participation.
For any other queries please get in touch with the undersigned.
Kind regards
Bharat Singh chauhan
Honorary secretary
All India Chess Federation