Dated :
Dear Sir/Madam
READ CAREFULLY and act accordingly
Sub: event name
Event code : ___________
( As per FIDE rules no game will be rated if played without chessclocks. Further in case of any fine imposed by FIDE for eventorganized without chess clocks the organizers and their State chess association are solely responsible and the event also will not be rated.)
We are happy to note that the captioned Chess Tournament is to be organized by you
we request you to see that the event code is printed boldly on the front page of the prospectus. With reference to the captioned event, we would like to advise you as under:
From 01 September 2017 –
1. First round pairings shall be made only after ensuring that all players have registered with AICF.
2. The e-mail id of all players new to fide rated tournament has to be checked whether it has already not been submitted to fide by another player.
3. Players who made online AICF registration a few days before the tournament might not have been provided fide id by AICF. The list of such players shall be sent to and before the beginning of third round.
4. Tournament reports should be submitted to AICF with in two days along with payment after completion of the event failing which eventwill not be rated.
As per FIDE rules no game will be rated if played without chess clocks. Further in case of any fine imposed by FIDE for event organized without chess clocks the organizers and their State chess association are solely responsible.
Please visit FIDE website: (
To read the event rules : Click this link
Please show this e mail / letter to the proposed Chief Arbiter.
Only AICF registered Arbiters are allowed to officiate in all FIDE rating events.
Please note that FIDE Licensed arbiters are allowed to officiate in the FIDE Rated tournaments. Otherwise the tournament will not be rated by FIDE.
Please don’t allow any foreign National without FIDE id. Otherwise the tournament will not be rated by FIDE.
This letter is being sent to you as a precautionary measure. Your timely action will certainly avoid all sorts of inconveniences that you / we / the players may undergo.
Please download CAI files from the this link:
Please send prospectus in pdf format less than 2MB file size.
Wishing Your Tournament All success, and we request you to see that the event code is printed boldly on the front page of the prospectus.
Yours Sincerely,
All India Chess Federation