1. As per the request and recommendation made by Selection Committee consists of GM Abhijt Kunte , GM Dibeyandu Barua and IM Dinesh Sharma, All India Chess Federation has taken a new step to speed up the process of fair play complaints in Online National Championships. Players need to file a fair play complaint to aicf.fpp@gmail.com within 30 minutes after completion of the particular game. Players need to submit following details while submitting a fair play complaint:
- Name of the player filing a complaint :
- Name of the player against whom you are filing a complaint :
- Round :
- Table No :
- Brief information about the complaint :
- Attach Payment screenshot of Complaint fee
2. Players need to submit the complaint fee of INR 2000/- via following options:
A. Submitting the fees to AICF Bank Account :
- Account No: 432 422 331
- Bank Name: INDIAN BANK
- Branch Name: HARBOUR, No.66, RAJAJI SALAI, CHENNAI-600001
- IFSCode: IDIB000H003
B. Payment Link : https://prs.aicf.in/pay
- Go to the above mentioned link
- You need to submit the following details :
- Full name of player
- Email ID
- Mobile No
- Amount – INR 2000/-
- Payment for Fair play Complaint
C. AICF UPI ID : allindiachessfederat.98795240@hdfcbank
3. The Fair play team will evaluate the appeals and immediate action will be taken against the players violating fair play rules and regulations. The player who has filed a complaint in regards to fair play violation will be eligible for full point in that particular round if the complaint is upheld by the FPP team. The player violating fair play regulations will be removed for next rounds. Complaint fee will only be refunded if appeal upheld.
4. These regulations will be implemented with immediate effect for all Online National Chess Championships starting from Under 10 Open Category of National Age Group Online Chess Championship 2021. Revised Tournament Prospectus and schedule will be published on AICF website in accordance with above mentioned regulations.
Best Wishes
Bharat Singh Chauhan
Hon. Secretary, AICF