India’s Largest Television network DOORDARSHAN will telecast 4 Video Highlights of the KIIT INTERNATIONAL Chess Championship 2015 on its DD Sports Channel as under
Ist Episode 7th September 2015 from 2300 – 2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
2ndEpisode 8th September 2015 from 2300 – 2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
3rd Episode 9th September 2015 from 2300 -2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
4th Episode 10th September 2015 from 2300 – 2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
Outside India the telecast will be available on INSAT 4 B satellite’s FREE TO AIR PLATFORM of C and KU Bands having footprints in 48 Countries [in parts of] Europe, Middle East and South East Asia
Insat 4 B Parameters
Band Frequency POL S/R SYS Encript
C BAND 2725 H 27500 DVB -S FTH
KU Band 10990 V 28500 DBB -S FTH