To enhance the knowledge and quality of Arbiters, All India Chess Federation is organizing Arbiter Refresher Courses to all FIDE licensed Arbiters (IA/FA/Sr NA) as per the details mentioned below:-
Date | Place | Lecturers |
02-03 Dec 2017 | Ahmedabad | IA MS Gopakumar and IA Dharmendra Kumar |
10-11 Feb 2018 | Chennai | IA R Anantharam and IA SwapnilBansod |
17-18 Mar 2018 | Delhi | IA MS Gopakumar and IA R Srivatsan |
24-25 Mar 2018 | Bhubaneswar | IA R Anantharam and IA NK Nandakumar |
From 01 April 2018, Arbiters attended one of the above refresher course is only will be allowed to officiate in any FIDE Rated event except International Arbiters with Classification of A& B.
The fee for attending the Refresher Course is Rs. 2000/-. Organising Committee will extend one night accommodation (first day of course), necessary seminar materials and refreshments during the course.
Arbiters desirous to attend the Course are required to send their entries to All India Chess Federation with necessary fees by NEFT transfer to the below mentioned bank account.
Account No: 432 422 331
Branch Name: HARBOUR, No.66, RAJAJI SALAI, CHENNAI-600001
IFSCode: IDIB000H003.
All the entries need to be forwarded to arbiters@aicf.in and indianchessfed@gmail.com (endorsement from state chess association is compulsory) with payment details and scanned copy of registration form. Hard copy of registration forms need to be submitted on the day of Seminar to the Lecturers. The entries must be send minimum 10 days before the scheduled date of course.
Thanks and Best Wishes
(Bharat Singh Chauhan), Hony Secretary