Watch the World’s 10 BEST Women’s Teams playing against each other to claim the World Women’s Team Title at Chengdu in the Four EXCLUSIVE Highlights directed by Vijay Kumar to be telecast on DD SPORTS CHANNEL as under :
Ist Episode Ist June 2015 from 11.00 to 11.30 pm [ GMT 1739hrs to 1800hrs ]
2nd Episode 2nd June 2015 from 11.00 to 11.30 pm [ GMT 1739hrs to 1800hrs ]
3rd Episode 3rd June 2015 from 11.00 to 11.30 pm [ GMT 1739hrs to 1800hrs ]
4th Episode 4th June 2015 from 11.00 to 11.30 pm [ GMT 1739hrs to 1800hrs ]
If you miss the telecast watch it again next morning from 1130 am to 12noon [0600-0630 hrs GMT ]
The Telecast will be available in 48 Countries of Europe, Middle East and South East Asia on INSAT 4 B satellite’s Free to air
platform having the following parameters
Satellite: Insat-4B
Frequency: 3925Mhz
Polarization: H
Symbol Rate: 27.5Msps
FEC: 3/4