The FIDE Arbiters’ Commission has the pleasure to announce the nominees of the 2016 Arbiters’ Awards.
The requirements for the Arbiters to be awarded were:
(a). to have obtained the IA title before 1981 (35 years of service as an IA)
(b). to have worked as an Arbiter in at least three (3) FIDE Major Events (Olympiads, World Championships).
The Arbiters to be awarded are (in alphabetical order):
-DREPANIOTIS, Panagiotis (GREECE) (IA title awarded in 1980)
-GASANOV, Faik (AZERBAIJAN) (IA title awarded in 1980)
-GIJSSEN, Geurt (NETHERLAND) (IA title awarded in 1979)
-KAMESWARAN, V. (INDIA) (IA title awarded in 1980)
-LOBANOV, Yuri (RUSSIA) ( IA title awarded in 1979)
-MELIKSTET-BEK, Evgeny (GEORGIA) (IA title awarded in 1979)
-VEGA, Jorge (GUATEMALA) (IA title awarded in 1979)
-WELCH, David (ENGLAND) (IA title awarded in 1977)
-ZHARIC, Borivoje (SERBIA) (IA title awarded in 1970)
The Awards Ceremony will take place during the General Assembly of the 2016 Baku FIDE Congress and the awarded Arbiters, or their representatives, are kindly requested to be present, in order to receive their awards.
Takis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commissio