4 Share lead with 8 points !!!
Ram Ratna 42nd National Women Challengers Chess Championship-2015 is been organized by Diaspora Times conducted by Thane district Chess Association under the ageis of All India Chess Federation, Maharashtra Chess Association from 02nd July to 11th July 2015 at Keshav Srushti ,RMP Complex.
The tournament Complies of 104 participants from 18 States and 2 Special Units. The participant compiles of 5 Women Grand Masters, 2 International Masters, 5 Women International Masters, 12 Women Fide Masters.
The Time control of the whole championship is 90 minutes each for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes each with 30 seconds increment.
The Top 8 players will be selected to participate in the forth coming National Women Premier Chess Championship-2015 (National A) which is to be held in the mid of October-2015.
Penultimate Standings of the championship:
Top spot is been shared by 4 Players, WFM Vaishali R(TN), WGM Bhakti Kulkarni(Goa), IM Tania Sachdev(Air India), WGM Soumya Swaminathan(MAH) these four players almost confirmed their berths for the National (A), Second Spot is WIM Michelle Catherina P(TN) with 7.5pts/10, Third Spot Shared by 4 Players, WFM Varshini V (TN), WIM Ivana Maria Furtado(Goa), WFM Mahalakshmi M(PSPB), Neha Singh (Bihar) with 7.0pts/10.
Detail Report of Round-10 (10.07.2015),
In the top Board No.1 WGM Soumya Swaminathan(MAH) and WFM Vaishali R(TN) was playing their Penultimate Round with Scotch Game which is an alternate variation for Ruy Lopez, during the middle game Soumya Swaminathan domination was well watched and in 26 she got a clear outside passed pawn in ‘H’ File and finally ended in favor of her.
In the Board No.2 Top Seeded IM Tania Sachdev with white pieces Goan Player WIM Ivana Maria Furtado chose to play Queens Gambit Declined: Ragozin Defence , till move No.24 Ivana was in a unclear position but the move ‘c4’ played by Tania Favoured Ivana by capturing the pawns and it is been forced by IM Tania Sachdev to sacrifice her Queen and the game was to be played by 2 Rooks vs Queen , suddenly they agreed for a draw.
In the Board No.3 WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty(LIC) lost her point to WGM Bhakthi Kulkarni(Goa),Bhakti chose French defense with side lines from move no.5 she got advantage and her hands was up during full game , Finally Bhakthi won the game and joined in lead with 8 points.
In the Board No.4 WIM Michelle Catherina (TN) won her game with white pieces chosing Ruy Lopez but in a different unusual variation, against WFM Rucha Pujari (MAH) with 40 moves completed.
In the Board No.5 Nimmy George (Ker) started the game with white pieces and in was defended by WGM Mary Ann Gomes (WB) by Classical Sicilian well and It was not in favour of anyone from beginning , finally after the pieces been exchanged the end game started with Rook and three pawns for both , they signed a peace treaty to proceed.
Results of Round 10:
Bo. | Title | Name | Rtg | Club | Pts | Result | Pts | Title | Name | Rtg | Club |
1 | WGM | Soumya Swaminathan | 2363 | PSPB | 8 | beat | 8 | WFM | Vaishali R | 2276 | TN |
2 | IM | Tania Sachdev | 2413 | AI | 8 | drew with | 7 | WIM | Ivana Maria Furtado | 2236 | GOA |
3 | WGM | Kiran Manisha Mohanty | 2146 | LIC | 6½ | lost to | 8 | WGM | Kulkarni Bhakti | 2256 | GOA |
4 | WIM | Michelle Catherina P | 2220 | TN | 7½ | beat | 6½ | WFM | Pujari Rucha | 2156 | MAH |
5 | Nimmy A.G. | 2128 | KER | 6½ | drew with | 6½ | WGM | Gomes Mary Ann | 2353 | WB | |
6 | WFM | Srija Seshadri | 2145 | TN | 6½ | drew with | 6½ | WGM | Swati Ghate | 2279 | LIC |
7 | IM | Mohota Nisha | 2277 | PSPB | 6 | lost to | 7 | WFM | Varshini V | 1959 | TN |
8 | Priyanka K | 2035 | TN | 6½ | drew with | 6½ | WIM | Pratyusha Bodda | 2244 | AP | |
9 | WIM | Nandhidhaa Pv | 2176 | TN | 6 | lost to | 7 | Singh Neha | 2020 | BIH | |
10 | WFM | Mahalakshmi M | 2149 | PSPB | 7 | beat | 6 | Manasa K. | 1914 | KAR |