ROUND 2&3 REPORT World Junior Chess Championship 2022
Round 2
IM Harshavardhan GB was facing the Moscow variation in the Sicilian against the top seeded Andrey Esipenko. Esipenko was slowly increasing his positional advantage, so Harshavardhan tried to look for activity by giving up a pawn, but all in vain as Esipenko defended everything and went on to win.
Playing with black pieces, FM Rohith Krishna S opted for Queen’s Gambit variation against higher rated IM Nogerbek Kazybek from Kazakhstan. Rohith ensured not to allow white any chances and equalized easily right from the opening. The game finally ended in peace on 49th move.
Round 3
IM Prraneeth Vuppala drew against the 2nd seeded GM Nesterov Arseniy. Facing the Catalan, Prraneeth played actively, however he was evenly matched by his opponent. After simplifications, Prraneeth had 2 pawns against Nesterov’s 1 pawn in the rook ending which was theoretically drawn.
FM Rohith Krishna S continued his solid run by drawing against another International Master Ido Gorshtein from Israel. Rohit defended a slightly inferior position arising from the Dutch Leningrad System forcing his opponent to spilt the points.
With 10 Indians in the open section, its highly we would see a lot of Indian playing each other, in round 3 itself GM Iniyan was paired against IM Manish Anto. In the Semi-Tarrasch variation, a lot of trades happened and both the players decided to make peace without anyone having a clear upper hand.
Other Indian Results :- Round 3
Coach :GM Swayams Mishra & WFM Kavitha J E