Kind Attention : All IAs/FAs/NAs
All India Chess Federation is going to organise two days Online Arbiter Refresher Course for all IAs, FAs & NAs on 27-28 March 21, 03-04 April 21 & 10-11 April 21 through Zoom. Undergoing Refresher Course is mandatory for all Arbiters to become eligible to officiate in FIDE Rated events with effect from 01 April 21.
Arbiters desirous to undergo subject Refresher Course required to forward the following details by email to with a copy to Chairman AICF Arbiter’s Committee Mr. Dharmendra Kumar at before 5 pm on 21 Mar 21.
Name :
Arbiter Title :
Arbiter Classification :
Email ID :
Mobile No:
State :
Payment Details :
AICF Arbiter Registration for the year 2021-22 :
There will be a fee of Rs. 500/- to undergo the Refresher Course and the same can be paid online or deposit the amount in the following AICF’s account.
Name of the Account : All India Chess Federation.
Account No. : 432422331
Name of the Bank : Indian Bank,
Name of the Branch : Harbour,
IFSCode : IDIB000H003
FL & IA Mr. Rathinam Anantharam, FL & IA Mr. Dharmendra Kumar and FL & IA Mr. Gopakumar Sudhakaran will be the Chief Lecturers for the Refresher Course in each batch and they will be assisted by IA Vipnesh Bhardwaj, IA R Srivatsan and IA Swpanil Bansod.
Once all registrations for the course is done, the list will be forwarded to respective State Associations for their recommendation and then Batch & Schedule for each Arbiter will be intimated. No application will be entertained after the deadline and without AICF Arbiter Registration for the year 2021-22. As a special case, the AICF Arbiter Registration for the year 2021-22 can be done in the current Financial Year itself from 10 Mar 21 to 20 Mar 21 through online.
All ‘A’ Classified International Arbiters are exempted from undergoing Refresher Course. However, they are expected to complete their AICF Arbiter registration on time.
Bharat Singh
Hony Secretary AICF