The All India Chess Federation’s Arbiters Refresher Course was held at Hotel Metro View, Karolbagh, New Delhi. Shri. Bharat Singh Chauhan, Secretary All India Chess Federation inaugurated the event on Saturday morning in presence of Shri. AK Verma, Hony Secretary Delhi Chess Association.

This two-day refresher course at Delhi was the third of the series of refresher courses to enhance the knowledge of Arbiters about the recent changes in FIDE Laws as well as other regulations. Earlier Ahmedabad and Karaikudi hosted the seminar. The fourth refresher course will be held on next weekend at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

AICF made this refresher course mandatory for Arbiters and with effect from 01 Apr 2018, Arbiters undergone refresher course are only allowed to officiate in FIDE Rated events.
International Arbiters MS Gopakumar and R Srivatsan are the lecturers. Around 85 Arbiters from different states participated in the event which included India’s first International Arbiter V Kameswaran of Tamilnadu, senior International Arbiters RS Tiwari of Delhi and IG Parmar of Gujarat.