Round 4:
On the top board in boy’s section, IM Neelash Saha played Catalan against Phillipine’s Labog. They reached the double bishop versus double knight endgame where Neelash showed his endgame technique to score a win.
On board 2, IM Avinash was paired with his own city mate IM Harshavardhan. They played the scotch game. Avinash had a good advantage but on move 24 he went wrong with Re4, Harsha seized the opportunity with Nxf4 and went on to win the game
IM Raahul lost to IM Gan-Erdene from Mongolia

In the Girl’s section,
WIM Rakshitta surprised WFM Bhagyashree with a sideline in the Caro-Kann defense. It helped Rakshitta to obtain a superior position when her opponent misplayed the position in the opening and she converted it into a full point.
Femil upsets a higher-rated Filippino Sadey Rinoa