The world’s best chess players came together in Bellver Castle to play the final leg of the FIDE 2017 World Chess Grand Prix Palma...
Photo by Lennart Ootes The World Juniors Chess Championship 2017 is closing to an end. In the Open section, after nine rounds two Indians...
from 08 to 10 January, 2018 The FIDE was awarding FIDE arbiters title for arbiters who had the requisite number of norms. But, as per...
FIDE World Junior and Girl Under 20 Chess Championship 2017 Tarvisio, Italy: The World Juniors Chess Championship has commenced on November 12. This eleven-round...
Gujarat’s Thanki Hemal Karsanji and Andhra Pradesh’s G.Sandhya become champions in the 6th National Amateur Chess Championship – 2017 Report by IA Gopakumaran Sudhakaran...
Shahil Dey of Assam selected for “NATIONAL CHILD AWARD FOR EXCEPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENT 2017” Candidate Master Sahil Dey of Assam has been selected for...

पेट्रोलियम स्पोर्ट्स प्रमोशन बोर्ड के ग्रैंड मास्टर एम आर ललित बाबु बने भारतीय शतरंज के नये बादशाह /
Report by Dharmendra Kumar/Photos by Amruta Mokal [ChessBase India] कल तक प्रतियोगिता में संयुक्त रूप से शीर्ष पर चल रहे पेट्रोलियम स्पोर्ट्स बोर्ड के...
Report by IA Prof. R. Anantharam/Featured Photo by Amruta Mokal PSPB grandmaster Lalith Babu, scoring nine points, was crowned as the undisputed National Premier...
Report by I.A Ananthanram R / Photo by Amruta Mokal [ChessBase India] PSPB grandmaster MR Lalith Babu turned the tables beating the hitherto leader...
Report by: R. Anantharam IA Eighteen-year-old grandmaster Aravindh Chithambaram of Tamil Nadu maintained his slender half point lead at the end of the seventh...