On behalf of the All India Chess Federation, West Godavari District Chess Association, Bhimavaram, AP will be organizing a Senior Arbiter Examination to be held at Alluri Sitarama Raju Cultural Centre A/c , ASR Nagar, Bhimavaram -2. W.G.District. AP at 09.00 AM on Tuesday, 10th July 2018,
Interested persons, who have completed 16 years of age, may kindly send the attached registration form filled and duly forwarded by their respective state association along with a fee of Rs.4000/- by Demand Draft favouring All India Chess Federation payable at Chennai. The same may be sent to All India Chess Federation, Hall No. 70, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Periamet, Chennai – 600 003, on or before 01st July 2018. Please be informed that you will attend the examination at your own cost including boarding & lodging.
Course material for the examination will be available for download from the website and participants are requested to come prepared for the examination.
Organizers :West Godavari District Chess Association, Bhimavaram, AP
Date : 10/07/2018
Please transfer the necessary fee by using our online portal : https://aicf.in/other-payments/ under the head senior arbiter exam fee
Contact persons:
Mr.K.N.Gopal, Gen.Secretary, APCA ( ramarao_yd@yahoo.co.in, kngopal.chess@gmail.com, wgdtchessassociation@gmail.com
Phone : 08008357057 ; 09848080867
Question pattern & Model Questions
The question pattern for the forthcoming Senior Arbiter Examination is given below:
Number of multiple choice questions :40 40 x 1 = 40 marks
Number of short answer type questions :05 05 x 1 = 05 marks
True/false questions : 05 05 x 1 = 05 marks
Total 50 marks
Duration of examination : 2 hours and 30 minutes
Participants, consulting with each other during the examination may be disqualified.
Model Questions
1) A player makes his first move e4 with right hand and presses the clock with right hand. He makes his second move Nf3 with his left hand and presses the clock with left hand. His opponent objects to it. What is your decision?
- a) White’s action is correct.
- b) White’s action is wrong. He must make all the moves with right hand and press the clock with right hand only.
- c) White’s action is wrong. He must make all the moves with right hand but may press the clock with any hand.
- d) White’s action is wrong. He may make all the moves with any hand but must press the clock with right hand [ ]
2) A game was played with 5 minutes for each player with no increment. White makes an illegal move. The arbiter, who is present, must
- a) interfere and add one minute to opponent
- b) interfere and declare White as lost
- c) interfere and add two minutes to opponent, only if the opponent claims an illegal move
- d) declare White as lost, only if Black claims. If Black does not claim, game will continue [ ]
3) White:Kd6, h7 Black: Ra8, Kd8
White played h7 to h8 and removed the pawn from h8. While requesting the arbiter to give him a queen, his flag fell. Black claims win on time and White claims checkmate, as he had already told the arbiter to give a queen and Qh8 will be a checkmate.
- a) Black’s claim is correct
- b) White’s claim is correct, as checkmate wins, even if the move is not made
- c) it is a draw
- d) the arbiter’s decision is final [ ]
4) In a national championship, player A was paired with B in the second round. B did not turn up and lost by forfeit. When the sixth round pairings were made, B and A were again paired and the pairing was displayed. B objected that he should not be paired with A.
- a) The claim by B is correct
- b) the pairing is correct
- c) as the pairing has been displayed, it should not be changed. Anyhow, the pairing is wrong
- d) if the arbiter wants to change, he shall change the pairing. [ ]
5) The minimum number of rated opponents to be met by an unrated player to get rating is
- a) 5 b) 7 c) 4 d) 9 [ ]
6) Black’s king is on e8 and its knight on e7 is pinned by White’s rook on e1. Now, Black plays Nxd5 and presses the clock. White plays Rxe8 and completes his move. What is the action to be taken by the arbiter?
7) State true or false:
At the start of the game having a default time of 15 minutes, White arrives at the board and Black has not turned up. When the arbiter says “Start your game”, White starts Black’s clock immediately. White’s action is correct.
8) Explain ‘Zero Tolerance’.