India’s Largest Television network DOORDARSHAN will telecast 4 Video Highlights of the 8th MUMBAI MAYORS International Chess Championship 2015 on its DD Sports Channel as under
Ist Episode 15th September 2015 from 2300 – 2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
2ndEpisode 16th September 2015 from 2300 – 2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
3rd Episode 17th September 2015 from 2300 -2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
4th Episode 18th September 2015 from 2300 – 2330hrs [1730hrs GMT]
If you miss the night telecast ,the Repeat telecast will be next morning at 11.30 am
1e on 16th 17th 18th and 19th September
Outside India the telecast will be available on INSAT 4 B satellite’s FREE TO AIR PLATFORM of C and KU Bands having footprints in 48 Countries [in parts of] Europe, Middle East and South East Asia
Insat 4 B Parameters
Band Frequency POL S/R SYS Encript
C BAND 2725 H 27500 DVB -S FTH
KU Band 10990 V 28500 DBB -S FTH