Caution to All players / officials
Sub : – Unauthorized Bogus Chess Tournament at Hyderabad from 20th to 25th October, 2015.
We have come across a news that an organization called “All India Charminar Sports Academy” based in Hyderabad is organizing a tournament in the name and style of “National Schools Chess Championship – 2015” and scheduled from 20th to 25th October, 2015. We also understand that they have sent the prospectus of this tournament to all schools in India. This is to bring to your kind notice that the All India Chess Federation, as the apex body of the game of chess in India and recognized by Government of India, is the only body which can organize or grant permission to organize chess tournaments, including National chess championships.
Players or officials who participate in the tournament in any capacity will attract disciplinary action by the All India Chess Federation. Hence we caution all the players and officials to kindly avoid having any connection with the above organizers of the tournament.
The above decision of the Federation may be conveyed to all school authorities.
V.Hariharan, Hon.Secretary