Medical Evaluation of the age of Chess Players
The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India is very keen in eradicating the age fraud menace prevailing in sports and has directed all National Federations to be very strict on this front and has directed us put in place a system by which this problem can be solved, particularly in all National Championships. While conducting Medical test to evaluate age, the Government has also directed us that the test should include physical examination, dental examination and radiological examination. Therefore, the All India Chess Federation, to avoid any unpleasantness to players at the time of the National Championships, has been implementing the following Rules & regulations which has proved to be very effective and as a result of which we have almost no issues during our National Championships.
As per AICF rules, refer Annexure II. Code of conduct for the players: of the Constitution and Bye Laws of the All India Chess Federation
Annexure II (n): Date of Birth certificates registered within one year of the birth of the child alone will be recognized and allowed to participate in age group championships by the AICF and all affiliated members of AICF.
Annexure II (O): Players shall present themselves for Medical Test to determine their age at any time when called upon to do so by All India Chess Federation of its affiliates.
“The AICF will have the powers to arrange for Medical test to determine the age of any player at any time if there is a suspicion, particularly for those who wish to participate in age group tournaments abroad”.
All the players those who do not have birth certificates registered within one year of their birth and to avoid their entries to participate in age related tournaments being rejected on account of this, the AICF to help such players, conducts medical evaluation of Age which will include physical examination, dental examination and radiological examination by competent doctors as prescribed by the Government of India. Therefore a window is opened before the start of the season. Kindly make use of the opportunity and go through the following details.
1. The Medical Evaluation to determine the age of the players, will be held at Chennai on 11th and 12th February, 2017.
2. Players who do not have proper documents as per AICF rules may kindly avail this opportunity to clear their age related issues. Such players may register with AICF immediately.
3. This Medical evaluation may take two days (though the efforts will be made to conclude in one day) and you are therefore requested to book your return tickets accordingly. Travel expenses, local transportation and boarding & lodging will be borne by the player.
4. Players are requested to send Demand draft for Rs.5000/- favouring All India Chess Federation payable at Chennai towards x-ray charges and doctors fee, local transportation etc.,
5. On arrival at Chennai you are requested to kindly report at 09.00.A.M. on 11th February, 2017 at the All India Chess Federation’s office Room.No.70, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Chennai – 600 003 ( Near Chennai Central Railway Station ).
6. Players will be required to bring Date of Birth Certificate (xerox copy) and 3 Nos. recent passport size photograph.
7. Parent of the player will be required to give an undertaking to undergo the age medical evaluation test. Hence the Player should be accompanied by the Parent.
8. Please be informed that players who do not have proper documents as per AICF rules and does not attend the test, will not be allowed to participate in any age related tournaments in future.
9. All State Chess Associations are requested to ensure that their players are informed of the above and to take steps to eradicate this age fraud menace under their jurisdiction.
10. All the players who want to make use of this opportunity are directed to inform AICF in writing duly recommended by their respective state chess associations before 15th January, 2017.
11. All stake holders are requested to be guided by the above.