Foreign Grandmasters and International Master Trainers having a minimum of FIDE Trainer’s (FT) titles are hereby notified that the All India Chess Federation is looking to appoint coaches for our teams as under:
1. The Indian Women team – The Indian senior women team is one of the accomplished teams in the world. We invite only Grandmasters with a minimum of FT (Fide Trainer’s) title as a coach for application. The contract will be valid for one year till March 31, 2020. We expect a minimum of thirty days training spread over three camps and the coach has to accompany the team for all the official team Championships.
2. The Indian Sub Junior and Junior Teams: Applications are also invited to train the Indian junior and sub junior teams comprising approximately 12 girls and 12 boys. The coach has to be available to undertake a minimum of three ten-day camps in one year and also accompany the team for important events as described in the contract.
Minimum eligibility is International Master with a FT (Fide Trainer) title.
The applications will be reviewed by our selection committee and the selected candidates will be notified. The payments for the trainers will depend upon their credentials as coaches or as agreed between the two parties.
Interested candidates may please write to us on indianchessfed@gmail.com with complete resume (Bio-data) as trainer as well as player.